'In this video, I continue pursuing my best physique ever. I am close to my 6 pick stomach, but not quite there. I am going to start incorporating more H.I.T.T. to burn calories and to strengthen my core. This is not an instructional video. I am still learning too, guys/gals. Feel free to comment below on ways I can improve these exercises. Connect with me on IG: https://www.instagram.com/mjusticeofficial/ Music: \" The Grinch\" by Small Town Titans Follow them on IG: https://www.instagram.com/smalltowntitans/ Follow them on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8N7u-tvTN3v4sjhT9k68gw'
Tags: cardio workout , six pack workout , high intensity interval training , pushups , planks , intense workout , lunges , hitt workout , how to get a six pack , holiday workout , Planet fitness , the grinch , planet fitness workout , leg raises , gh5 , panasonic gh5 , christmas workout , bodybuilding for beginners , over 40 workout , Transcending Fitness , six pack journey , small town titans , in-between leg lunges
See also: hiit workout , banner design in photoshop , vücut geliştirme , tipps , Cartoon , h m haul , deals , Come , 28 , Red Dead Redemption 2