'How to Hip Thrust & Squat on a Smith Machine *How to use a Smith Machine*'

'Hello Everyone! Today I will be showing you how to use the Smith machine at Planet Fitness. I will show you how to hip thrust on a smith machine and squat on a smith machine!    ✰ SOCIALS ✰ instagram: @itsvivilee buisness instagram: @threads.fromvi tik tok: @itsvivilee    ✰ LINK TO SHOP ✰ https://threadsfromvi.com/​​​     ✰ BUSINESS EMAIL ✰ [email protected]     ✰ FAQ ✰ how old are you? → 20 where are you from? → California ethnicity? → Hmong cameras? → Canon Eos M200 editing software? → Adobe Premiere Pro     ✰ MUSIC ✰ Music by Yung Wacho  - That\'s That (feat. Tony Rashad) - https://thmatc.co/?l=CADAE05A Music by Mr. Jello - Dear Darling - https://thmatc.co/?l=4DE435DC Music by jfarr - In My Lane - https://thmatc.co/?l=F6698468 Music by Christine Nguyen - Eventually - https://thmatc.co/?l=BA97273F   \"Jesus replied, \'you do not see what I\'m doing now, but later you will understand.\'\" John 13:7     #Hipthrust #Squats #Smithmachine  sub count: 1,630    Woah... you made it all the way down here ily :)' 

See also: 踢毽子 , Pole fitness , lower body workout , business casual outfits , 201 , 攝影 , freezma , kids , best food , glutes

