'#loseweight #losebellyfat #jaiyoga #masterajay Weight Lose yoga workout in just 7 days Fasting once In one week . Message me on my what’s app 8307300835 for diet plan and join my online course for weight lose 3 Month . Start losing weight following your own eating plan. Lose weight while eating. Lose weight and enjoy your food. THINGS NEED TO FOLLOW:- •AVOID CHILLED AND FROZEN THINGS •MAKE A COMMITMENT WITH YOUR DAILY EXERCISE •STAY AWAY FROM ALL KIND OF PROCESSED FOOD(SWEET, SODA, SUGAR, BREADS N PACKED FOOD) • DRINK LOT OF WATER WHOLE DAY(TRY TO DRINK WARM WATER 10-12 GLASS PER DAY) • 1 CUP HOT WATER WITH LEMON SLICE (2/3 time in a day in sip - sip pattern). Limit snacking through out the day only 3 meals . Avoiding eating after sunset. TRY Fasting At least once in a week. ========================== PRACTICE ROUITINE Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday Friday , ( Morning Practice with me ). Evening Practice Routine. everyday. First week = 15 minutes Warm up, 11 sun salutations rounds. second Week = 15 minutes warm up and 21 sun salutation rounds. third week = 15 minutes warm up and 31 Sun Salutation rounds. Fourth week = 15 minutes warm up and 51 sun salutations rounds. ==================== ======= ▷ Follow me on:: ❇️ Website www.jaiyogaacademy.com ▶ Youtube: https://youtube.com/c/JaiYogaAcademy82 ▶ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jaiyoga.academy/ ▶ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jaiyogindia/ ▶ Email: [email protected] ▶ Whats App No. = +918307300835 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Thanks & Regards Master. Ajay Verma.'
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