'Free to everyone in the community! Come join us for a super fun HIGH Fitness class . . . HALLOWEEN STYLE! Saturday, October 20th at 9:30am in Studio 1. Killer music and fun prizes! Get raffles tickets: 1 ticket for just coming to class 2 tickets if you bring a friend to class with you 3 tickets if you come to class wearing a Halloween costume Apple Athletic Club 2030 Jennie Lee Drive Idaho Falls, ID 83404 (208) 529-8600 Visit our website http://www.appleathleticclub.com Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/AppleAthleticClub/ Follow us on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/AppleAthleticClub/ Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/AppleAthleticIF/'
Tags: fitness , Weight loss , gym , exercise , workouts , Health , Personal Training , Health Club , fun , fitness tips , fit , event , halloween , high , free fitness class , high fitness , prizes , exercise classes , idaho falls , free class , killer music
See also: fitness videos , barre fitness , footballers , 10 minute workout , polefitness , toning , kid � , ross shopping spree , Muscula , men