'Two Cowboys on a Journey: Natural High Fitness and Social Entrepreneur in Okotoks, Alberta'

'Read more about this video here: http://www.thiscannotbeit.com/2016/10/two-cowboys-on-journey-natural-high.html  We are the Two Cowboys travelling the world, in search of people that make things. We showcase the awesomeness in communities all over Canada, U.S. and New Zealand.   We are a social enterprise. We are funded through donations and sponsorship. All our earnings are applied back to covering our costs of marketing and promoting Producers and inspiring local communities.  Please help us to bring you more of these programs by supporting us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/twocowboys or on GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/twocowboys  Natural High Fitness  The entrepreneur, Andrew Gustafson and his team at Natural High Fitness and Crossfit in Okotoks proclaim to mould dynamic lifestyles by helping their members follow the most effective and encouraging path to aspire to their peak fitness goals. A lofty statement and a lofty goal indeed.  Simply put, it is a place where you can hang out with your friends and enjoy your workout. They have everything you need for reaching your fitness (and your social) goals. http://naturalhigh.ca  Get rewarded for supporting our local Producers. Receive special offers and invitations from the Two Cowboys: http://twocowboys.subscribemenow.com/  Book us here: http://www.profiledproductions.com/book-us  We celebrate Producers, Production, and the Prime Movers everywhere: People that make things create our society and build our communities. They drive the engine of our world. We should know more about them, and be inspired by what they do. We should learn from them, and discover for ourselves the value of making something.  Our Mantra is: \"I Made This\". If you make something, we are interested in featuring you on our channel. Please get in touch: http://www.profiledproductions.com & http://www.twocowboysandacamera.com & http://www.thiscannotbeit.com  Please help us make more: Your contribution pays it forward so that others can be inspired too: http://www.forwardthefavour.com' 

Tags: fitness , Workout , abs , cardio , gym , motivation , exercise , weight , Health , bodybuilding , body , muscle , Weight Training (Hobby) , muscles , strong , strength , fat , lose weight , bodybuilding motivation , training , crossfit , fit , inspiration , ripped , entrepreneur , community , Bodybuilder , weightlifting , entrepreneur motivation , Alberta , forging elite fitness , Social Entrepreneur , Two Cowboys , natural high fitness , okotoks , Profiled Producer

See also: Gym banner , america , cardi , balance , RESTAURANT , how to lose weight fast , lingayat nikitesh , Wil , cap , love

