'This is the third episode of my journey to my first show in May! Sorry for the shorter episode! The Arnold footage is about to be next level!  Follow my Social Medias! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mattgreggo/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MattResidue  Music by:  1. Naima - Let me see you https://soundcloud.com/nocopyrightsounds/naima-let-me-see-you-ncs-release 2. Phantom Stage - MIKO https://soundcloud.com/nocopyrightsounds/phantom-sage-miko' 

Tags: fitness , gym , bodybuilding , mens , progress , training , back , gains , meal prep , aesthetics , bicep , tricep , competition , episode 3 , Matt , VEINS , arnold classic , NPC , golds , Greggo , PHYSQIUE , The Prep

See also: core workout , dds discounts no budget shopping spree , Music , Gym banner , meal planning , let , red dead outfits , body positive , gym banner design , casual outfits
