'This is a yoga for weight loss and yoga for beginner\'s video, where yoga instructor Yogiyue will take you through a yoga class designed for those newer to the practice. This is an energized vinyasa class, where shell explain proper alignment and form, so you can build a strong foundation for strength and flexibility to ignite your inner fire. Benefits of this yoga for weight loss beginners video: -Creates a foundation for full-body strengthening -Full body workout tones your core, arms, shoulders, legs, glutes, back and chest -Energizes your breath -Draws awareness to balance stabilizer muscles -Releases tension in back Subscribe and stay tuned for more videos from this series! ============== Want the ZURA yoga moon mat seen in this video? Get your hands on a yoga mat that respects both your practice and mother Earth, found at the lowest price on Amazon here: https://amzn.to/2CGZMaq ====================== ✅ DETOX YOUR SYSTEM IN 2 EASY STEPS. Try 28 Days Detox Tea with All Natural Ingredients by VIDA: https://amzn.to/2QAjtXO Check our VidaTea Review on Yoga Lifestyles: https://yogalifestyles.com/tried-vida-tea-28-day-teatox/ ✅ Delicious Detox Water Recipes Your Body Will Love: https://yogalifestyles.com/delicious-detox-water-recipes-body-will-love/ ✅ Check our Summer Detox Smoothies: Part I: https://yogalifestyles.com/summer-detox-smoothies-part-1/ ✅ And Summer Detox Smoothies Part II: https://yogalifestyles.com/summer-detox-smoothies-part-ii/ ✅ Yoga for Weight Loss and Detox Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2P0hzeIACYU&list=PLlw4mGHg0wkeIRYe7cLSH956yX2eFIZ5A ======= Stay connected with Yoga Lifestyles~ More content & blog: https://www.yogalifestyles.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yogalifestyles/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yoga_lifestyles/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/yoga_lifestyles Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/yoga_lifestyles'
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