'I\'m currently doing a 4 Week Jump Rope Challenge presented by Zen Dude Fitness & Crossrope. Today is Week 4, Day 3. Today\'s workout consists of 5 rounds of 8 exercises conducted for :30 seconds on and :10 seconds off with 1 minute rest breaks in between rounds. I found a nice park nearby to shoot this video. 1 Round consists of: 1. Jump - Boxer Skip 2. Lunge Step Up To Balance 3. Jump Rope - Mummy Kicks 4. Jumping Lunge With Middle Tap 5. Jump Rope - Boxer Skip 6. Clock Lunges 7. Jump Rope - Mummy Kicks 8. Leap Frogs Here\'s my 1st of 5 Rounds. Have a blessed week!'
Tags: lunges , zen dude fitness , JUMP ROPING , crossrope , leap frogs
See also: I �m home , disney pole , 健康的女孩 , strength training instruction , trending , fast � , yoga for beginners , reaction time , meal , navy seal